Monday, January 31, 2011

January in Review

I have spent the month of January stockpiling lots of things. In terms of food I now have enough juice, coffee, tea, pasta, rice, tomatoes, cereal, frozen veggies and canned corn to last at least 4-6 months. In the pharmacy and toiletries department I have stockpiled toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, tampons, toilet paper, paper towel, cold and flu remedies to last 6-18 months.  I also have enough aluminum foil to last about 12 months.

My vow: I will not buy any of these items until the next time there is a major sale and I am buying them for pennies- extreme couponing style.
FINALLY! I just saved over 50% at HT.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back from a short break

I haven't posted for a few days and I feel bad for not keeping up with a daily post. I have been distracted with some fantastic happenings in my life. The most exciting is I received a job offer. I say "job offer" because not all the details have been worked out and therefore I don't consider myself fully employed. I'm hoping that by mid-week I can announce new job, here's to hoping.

So back to coupons . . . I have been working hard at my savings and have been rather successful in my shopping purchases. I even started a small stockpile in my storage closet to house the incredible deals I scored like Hunt's canned, diced tomatoes (100% natural, of course) for $.19 a can. Pretty AWESOME!

I have spent the morning planing out my next weeks purchases over a few cups of coffee. It looks like the big deals will be at the pharmacies; Rite aid, CVS and Walgreens. I've been reading blogs and mapping out my transactions to maximize my savings. I'll be sure to post about my purchases when I return from the stores.

My biggest couponing dilemma is Harris Teeter. I love Harris Teeter and I have manged to stick to my rule of only buying items if they are on sale, I have a coupon or both. The problem is that I can't seem to break the 30% savings rate. At every other store I'm saving at least 50%, if not 60 or 80%. I need to plan my trips better and look for more ways to save on high priced items, such as beer. Attention beer makers, please send me coupons. Although I appreciate your sales, it's not saving me enough money.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Superfoods . . . .yum

I just opened my daily Real Simple email and look through the article about 30 Superfoods. I was pleased to discover that I eat most of them and over half are currently in my kitchen. I then thought to myself, "Are there coupons for these foods?" Hmmmm . . . I think I need to do some more research but it seems to me that it will be harder to find coupons for these foods than for junk like soda and sodium-filled instant noodles packaged in styrofoam.

What are my favorite of the 30 foods?

Mushrooms- I LOVE MUSHROOMS! I was raised to love them, thanks Mom! I currently have three varieties in my fridge- portabellos, creminis and shitakes. I buy most of my mushrooms from Papa Spud's. They are a home food delivery service of mostly organic products. I don't buy

Quinoa- I have regular quinoa bought from the same place as the barley. I also found a brown rice and quinoa product made by Seeds of Change. I can buy it in a 4-pk at Costco or single packs at Krogers. I recently got two coupons from their website.

Eggs- I love eggs. Recently, I've been trying to buy cage-free to make myself feel better. I've also been trying to reduce the amount of yolks, so I generally substitute two whites for one yolk to be healthier. And of course, I have $1 coupons to bring the price of my cage-free organic eggs down to a reasonable price.

Other superfoods I eat: Barley, Walnuts, Whole grain pasta, Natural Peanut and Almond butter, Oatmeal,
Almonds, Lentils, Bulgur, Spinach, Kiwi, Wild Salmon, EVOO, Chicken breasts, Kale,  Avocados, Kidney Beans, Sweet potatoes, Chard, Edamame, Pumpkin, Oranges, Non-fat Greek yogurt, Broccoli, Black beans

That's 27 out of 30!

It turns out that most of the superfoods I eat I either purchase at Trader Joes, online through bulk food stores or through Papa Spuds ( home-delivery of fresh produce). 

And the ones I DON'T eat: 

Skim milk- I can't do it. I grew up on 2%, switched to 1% in college, but I haven't been able drink skim.

Blueberries- The only berry I don't like and I'm not sure why. I eat lots of blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries and strawberries and of course, I only buy when they're on sale. 

Sardines- Not going happen. 


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free and almost free

I scored a completely free Tilex Mildew Remover at CVS last night. It was on sale for $2 a bottle. I used a $1 coupon and a $1 CVS ExtraCare Buck coupon. 2-1-1= FREE! If I was an extreme couponer I guess I would have collected 20 coupons and stockpiled enough Tilex for a lifetime, but I'm pretty sure by the time I need another bottle I'll be able to get it on sale or perhaps free again.

As for almost free, is having an 80% sale with the coupon code MEAL. As you know I already stocked up on coupons, however I couldn't resist buying a few more. I spent $12 and bought $175 worth of coupons. AMAZING!!!! The best part is the coupon can be used for alcoholic beverages, which many restaurants don't allow but my favorite Thai place does. And even better coupons DON'T EXPIRE. And speaking of expiring coupons I need to check my Groupon and Living Social accounts.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Healthy Savings and a New Rule

I have discovered that there are a million couponing websites and blogs. It seems like everyone has something to say about couponing! There are many that I like, but I particularly enjoy A Full Cup because it's huge and there is a message board for every question I have. 

On A Full Cup people will post about their shopping trips and even include pictures of what they bought.  I love these posts, however, I cringe when I see a pile of processed foods. I think to myself it would be great to save 90% at the grocery store but not at the cost of being unhealthy. So here's another rule that I need to declare:

5. Use coupons to be healthy
I already try to buy/eat unprocessed, real foods. I need to intensify my hunt for coupons for real food. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Couponers are everywhere

I just stumbled across this article on about the most frugal cities in the US. Turns out the city I live in is ranked #10. Go Raleigh! Did your city make the list?

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Deal

I get the email every afternoon. Yesterday, I look at them and see that is having a sale up to 70% off with the code ENJOY. I immediately go to see what restaurants are participating and I find one of my favs. After the discount I get a $10 off coupon for $3. I buy two and I buy another $25 off coupon for a fancy restaurant I want to try. I buy that for $5.25. Grand total is $8.25 and I use a gift card left over from Christmas that has some money left on it, so I end up spending NOTHING = $0. 

At the end of ordering it says that I will be receiving a $10 coupon via email for a future purchase. It comes and I immediately buy another $10 coupon for my favorite place for $0. (You can't use the discount coupon like I did before, bummer). I also see after my first purchase that I can get a $25 coupon if I participate in an offer. I click on that page and find the offer which is FREE and has no stipulations like other offers. I sign up, get my coupon code emailed to me, buy another $25 coupon for the fancy restaurant for $0. I then go to and cancel my subscription. 

That is $80 dollars worth of coupons for $8.25, but for me $0 because I used a VISA gift card.

No Time for Couponing???

Twice this week I have heard, "I don't have time to clip coupons." 

Really? You don't have time to save money? Time is money, remember?!?

Everyone has time to coupon. You can go through coupons while watching TV. You can search for coupons online for five minutes and print them. We all have time to save money. Who doesn't want to save money?

Time is not what is standing in your way. Your excuses are. If I told you I'd give you $10 to be in the internet for 5 minutes, would you do it? Of course!

Last night in 10 minutes I scored $80 worth of coupons on for $0. That's right zero. I would have paid $8.25, but I could have paid only $3, instead I paid $0 because I had some left on a VISA gift card left over from Christmas. Ten minutes = $80, definitely have the time to do that. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This is Why I love Living Social

Who can pass up exercise class for $2? I purchased today's Living Social Deal.

Be Frugal, Be Happy, Save a Bundle!: $1/3 Hunt's E-coupon and chance for BOGO FREE Hunt...

Be Frugal, Be Happy, Save a Bundle!: $1/3 Hunt's E-coupon and chance for BOGO FREE Hunt...: "Load a $1/3 Hunt's tomatoes e-coupon to your Kroger card here. You will be able to load a Buy One, Get One Free Hunts Tomatoes coupon..."

Please Vote for Boerner Botanical Gardens

Please Click on the Vote for Boerner button above! 
You will be taken to the Rainwater Harvesting Project page where you can vote for Boerner Botanical Gardens to receive a much need $10,000 grant!!! You can vote everyday, just look for the thumbs up on the right hand side of the page. 

Project Description

Rainwater Harvesting Project at Boerner Botanical Gardens
Phase I: included a permeable paver demonstration area, wetland filtration area as well as a re-circulating stream. 
Municipalities as well as the general public learn and see how to capture and reuse rain water.                                                                                  
The wetland created has also become a home for frogs, toads and turtles.

Project Goals

Project/Goal: Rainwater Harvesting Phase II
Expansion/Continuation of Phase I (of a) 35,000 gallon rain harvesting system installed in August, 2009; captures the rain from the 2.5 acre parking lot and 31,500 square foot roof of the Education and Visitor Center.
Phase II will show how a rain garden works in capturing the run off from the harvesting system during heavy rains.
The rain garden would educate the community on the many different ways we can collect, reuse and store rain water - eliminating waste.
We would like to expand the system in order to educate and capture all rainwater falling on our campus.
This award will help us complete our goals.  
We will allocate some of the award for the design/installation of an irrigation system for the sculpture gardens which uses 100% rainwater from our system.

Learning new tricks and settings some rules

I decided that I need to spruce up my blog's design. I've made some positive changes, I think. There are a few other things I need to figure out, but right now I need more coffee more than anything else. 

So, I never established any rules for my couponing and after talking to a friend last night I realized I need to write them down. Here are my rules, which are different in some ways from other couponers, but I think they'll work for me:

1. Never buy anything we don't use or that I can't re-sell quickly.
We = Me, Frank (my boyfriend) and Fatty (our adorable feline)
Some couponers will buy items they can get for practically free and donate them, which is a great thing to do for your community, however, I don't think I have reached this level of couponing, yet.

2. Only buy items that I have a coupon for OR that are on sale. 
This rule may get tricky when it comes to fresh produce and meats, but I've actually purchased some fresh fruit coupons with purchase of Kashi products, so here's to hoping!

3. Exercise self-control
Just because I have 20 coupons does not mean I should or have the storage space to buy 20. I can buy 5 or 10 and sell the other coupons on Ebay. 

4. Have patience
Wait for the sale! I should never use a coupon on a full price item. 

Ok, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be adding and adjusting my rules as I go along on this journey. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday mornings are the best! Today is even better than I expected!

So, Wednesdays are when the new Harris Teeter and Food Lion circulars come out. I can't believe I get excited for this, but I do and now with my new coupon quest I find it even more exciting. I have already created my shopping lists for both stores which aren't very long and now I'm getting ready to match the deals with the coupons. (I know, I lead a very exciting life. I'm also overusing the word exciting but that's an inside joke.) 

Even better than the grocery store sales is finding out what the day's Groupon and Living Social deals are. Although I'm not buying the Groupon today I am taking advantage of a fantastic coupon that I received over night. Apparently, Groupon thinks I'm a great customer, however I haven't bought one in awhile, so to get me to buy one they gave me a coupon for $15 to use before Feb. 2. SWEET! FREE MONEY! I'm just hoping that something good comes up before Feb. 2 so that I can take advantage. 

Although Groupon didn't tickle my fancy this morning Living Social sure did. Today's deal is a $20 Amazon gift card for $10. I bought one, of course. I couldn't resist. I love Amazon and with my Prime membership I get free 2-day shipping. (I pay an annual fee for the prime membership but it has paid for itself in savings thanks to my and Frank's ordering.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CVS- It's like getting paid to shop

I never realized what those coupons at the bottom of my receipt really were. How did I not realize that they were free money??? Sigh . . . I have thrown them away so many times, but not any longer. After some online research and a lot of help from I have begun to conquer CVS savings. 

So, 2011 @ CVS . . .

I have spent: $58.25
I have saved: $90.74
I have earned: $29
Savings rate: 61%

I use my ExtraCare Bucks for purchases and in the future I will share specific shopping trips to show exactly what I buying and how I'm paying for it. 

Food Lion- I stumbled across a sale that saved BIG$$$

I prefer to shop at HT because it's bigger, open 24 hours and has more variety and selection. With that said, Food Lion has great bargains too and I need to pay more attention to the savings I can get. 

I consider myself lucky because I have three FLs and two HTs within a short drive of my home. This makes it possible for me to maximize my savings if one store runs out of an item. 

I do not have a 2010 savings total for FL. I threw away my receipts and honestly I wasn't shopping FL regularly. This year I will utilize FL more often and so far it's paid off huge. 

The other day I was shopping for some very specific items at FL, but I decided to go up and down each aisle to familiarize myself with the store's organization. I discovered that Playtex Gentle Glide tampons 18ct. were on sale for $2.99. They are regularly $5.19. HUGE SAVINGS, right???? Wait for it . . . I had a $2/1 coupon making them .99 cents each box. I bought out the store. 

I then went to another FL and bought their stock too. I had a very proud moment at the second store when two cashiers watched as I saved $50.40 and paid $14.66 for 12 boxes. One cashier asked me how I did it. I have to admit I felt the endorphins rush through my body. 

So, 2011 @ FL . . . 

I have spent: $69.43
I have saved: $95.63
Savings rate: 57.9%

I'm exceeding my 50% goal, which is great, but I need to keep it up for the next 11.5 months. In the end I purchased 18 boxes of tampons, which is a 2 year supply. 

Harris Teeter- It's not the expensive grocery store, you just have to shop it right

At the end of 2010 I had met a personal goal of savings over $1000 at Harris Teeter. This is just the savings I accumulated by shopping their sales. It doesn't include the additional savings  I had with the use of coupons. My rough estimate is that I saved about 30% which sounds pretty good, but it just won't do for this year. My goal is to make it to the 50% mark. I think this is a modest goal and of course, I hope to surpass it. I figure I should start out with a realistic goal and perhaps mid-year I will re-evaluate.

So, 2011 @ HT . . . . .

I have spent: $109.73
I have saved: $53.02
Savings rate: 32%

I need to do better. This includes a spontaneous trip in which I wasn't armed with coupons, but that's just an excuse. 

Just starting out

As the description above states I am just beginning a new couponing adventure. I have been using coupons at grocery stores for a few years and have saved what I thought was a lot of money. I'm always on the lookout for great deals on everything. For example, two years ago I spent only $12 on Christmas gifts for my entire family. They were good gifts, too!

Anyway, this year couponing will not just be a hobby but a passion. I have already started learning new strategies and organizing my coupon collection. Recently, I have focused on  online research about programs that drug stores offer and was amazed to discover that I was throwing away money by not paying attention. I have even created my own spreadsheet system to track my spending and savings. My goal is save more and spend less.

I will share my shopping trips and savings and hopefully at the end of the year I will have mastered the art of couponing.